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Happy 50th Anniversary VQ-3 & VQ-4

Today, July 1st we recognize the Commissioning of Squadrons VQ-3 & VQ-4

On Friday, June 29th VQ-3 held a celebration gathering in VQ-4’s hangar. VQ-3 LT Althaus, LT McCarthy, LTJG Walton & LTJG Hefner organized the event and history displays after gathering history from Vern Lochausen, TCVA president & historian and from the boxes of TACAMO History in the VQ-3 Skipper’s office. Vern also provided the 25th anniversary program, which LT Althaus took and modeled the 50th Anniversary program after. Guest speaker, "Chocko" Baker, CAPT RET(USN) gave a brief history and inspiring view of the future of TACAMO.

Among the active duty attendees were 40+ TACAMO Veterans. Also VQ-3 & VQ-4 Plankowners: Ron Coppock, Donnie Woods, Dan Shore, Gary Foster & Bill Porter. Attendees enjoyed time together at Old Germany and in the Aria Lounge & Block 21 of Sheraton OKC for breakfast, dinner and drinks.

TCVA thanks all those involved in organizing the events and looks to the future gatherings at NAS Oklahoma City.

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