Cookbook - Last Call for Recipes & High RES Photos
TCVA has Volunteers helping with different projects. John Burgoon "Mom" has worked tireless hours on the TCVA Cookbook to get it published. TCVA thanks John for all his work and dedication to this project.
High-resolution Photos
John is asking everyone to help with high-resolution photos for the cookbook. The publisher has requested photos and art work to be at 300 dots per inch (DPI). If you think you have a photo to send John, check the size of the MG or KB.
Check the size of your photo:
go to File Explorer,
find your picture
right click on the file.
Click on Properties, under the General Tab you will find the picture size in MB.
Under the Details Tab you can find the image height and width dimensions.
If it is lower than 8.7 MB please do not send photo
If the photo is 8.7 MB or higher, please send photo to John
Right click on photo
Go to "Get Info"
Look for size,
If it is lower than 8.7 MB please do not send photo
If the photo is 8.7 MB or higher, please send photo to John
FYI Facebook Photos:
Pictures posted on Facebook may look fine on your screen, but Facebook drops them to low resolution.
Recipes via Email
Please have the chef send the recipe to John via email address Thank you for your assistance. Love, Mom, John Burgoon
High-resolution Photos, 8.7 MB or higher photos are to be sent to John at