Let's Get Together as One
2023 TACAMO Banquet is a special time to celebrate TACAMO!
The evening is attended by TACAMO Veterans, Industry Partners, Family & Friends along wtih active duty TACAMO Sailors
Today, Roz Lindeman sponsored a table for 8 TACAMO Sailors

Join the TCVA Sponsors in providing banquet seats
for TACAMO Sailors.
$440 covers the cost of 8 sailors
attending the reunion banquet.
Purchase Sailor Seats go to:
Registration Fee $30 per person PLUS Banquet $55= Total payment per person $85 Not attending the Banquet cost is $30
Register by going to https://www.tacamo.org/event-details/2023-tacamo-reunion

Until 8/20
Registration Fee $30 per person PLUS Banquet $55= Total payment per person $85 Not attending the Banquet cost is $30
Register by going to https://www.tacamo.org/event-details/2023-tacamo-reunion
Beginning AUG 21st
Registration: Pay-at-the-door will be $40 PLUS Banquet $65 = $105
Registration: Pay-at-the-door will be $40 NO Banquet
Join the TCVA Sponsors in providing banquet seats
for TACAMO Sailors.
Is this an aircrew event or are ground pounders also invited?
A. Murphy