TACAMO Fallen - Francis McHale UPDATE
Francis Sean McHale’s Services
August 5, 2024
Willowbrook Wedding Chapel
1 SW 59th street
OKC, OK 73109
Overflow parking- Morelo’s Grocery Store SW Corner of the parking lot.
Reported by Patrick Dale McCool :
"Heart breaking news : Francis McHale passed away yesterday - I will share information concerning services etc as soon as that information is provided - please pray for friends and family - additionally if you know of resources that should be passed along to the family please let me know , thank you"

The TACAMO Community extends its sympathy and prayer for peace to Francis's family and friends during this time of the passing.
On day one in TACAMO..
First command, new to everything, I checked into VQ-4. Francis snatched me up, showed me around, helped me check in and gave me the keys to his car to take care of some business on base because I didn’t have one. He was my first shipmate in the “fleet”. A number of years and Jimmy Buffet concerts followed, but I’ll never forget his kindness on that day. RIP Brother.
-AWF1 (NAC/AW) Ret. Josh Tanner
Now it's getting a little too close. I flew with him on multiple deployments, and we remained friends in the civilian world. I enjoyed seeing his many FB posts.
Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!
RIP Shipmate 😓
Dang, one of the first cats I ever worked with when I got to OKC in 98. Fair winds and following seas brother and thanks for all the knowledge you passed down to me.
AT1(AW) Callow Ret. VQ-3 and VQ-4 Det 98-12