TACAMO Lab at Pax Opportunity
TACAMO Lab at Pax Opportunity: Most likely candidates are mission crew veterans with recent experience. GS-0391-13

Lab director is looking for an operator type, mission crew AW. Someone who can learn how to
operate FAB-T and then learn the system enough to troubleshoot it. Then move on to other
systems like message processor, digital systems and new bandwidth connections. The
candidate will support Lab testing by bringing up the system and operating it while under test.
When not testing they would perform some development of documentation development such
as test plans and test reports.
This position is located in the Platform Simulation and Integration Laboratory Engineering
Division of the Systems Engineering Department. The incumbent, a
Telecommunications Specialist, serves as the lead systems integrator for several labs
and supports Platform Level – C4I Systems Integration Laboratories and Command, Control
and Communiation (C3) efforts. Specific work products include: communications and video
displayed systems and related mission system network design; recommendations for the
modifications or upgrades to existing HW/SW controlled systems; simulation design and
integration; laboratory operations, and plans and specifications for overall systems design,
development, integration, and evaluation.
If interested, please contact Lab Manager, Duane Salzman,301-342-6360,