Today we pause to remember our 16 brothers who on this day 42 years ago on a dark night near the Pacific island of Wake gave their last full measure as their aircraft plunged into the depths of the ocean just after takeoff. They were to be home in just a few hours after a long trip. Since TCVA located their families and led a memorial service at VQ-3, June 21 has become TACAMO Memorial Day. The Wing dedicated the last surviving Herc to their memory and TACAMO veterans donated to the creation of permanent memorial stone marker at Punchbowl National Cemetery, fittingly overlooking the Pacific Ocean that now entombs TACAMOPAC Crew 4 and 156176. At each TACAMO reunion we pause to remember them and all of our Fallen TACAMO Sailors. Please take time today to remember them, to salute them, to honor them, and to give thanks to them for the freedom they died defending.
